Sunday, October 7, 2012

Working while waiting for the bar scores: Part 3

3)  Handling the big day

The days scores are released will happiest and saddest days of your legal career.  If you pass it will be confirmation of all the things you worked hard to achieve.  It will be a reminder that all the scarifies that you made were not in vain.  If you fail, you will begin to question your self, wonder about the sacrifices, and question the debt you took on.  There won't be time for private reflection because Virgina posts the pass list on line!!  You won't even get a letter before it's posted.  Everyone knows!  I apologize for the bluntness, but it's the truth! 

If you pass, congratulation!  This is incredible achievement.  Take the time to reflect on the steps it took to get there.  Mostly remember not everyone has achieved this feet.  Some will not make it.  That could have been you.

If you fail, it's NOT OVER!!!!!!! I repeat it's not OVER!!!  You made a conscious decision to join this profession.  A 16 hour test does not diminish the work you put in.  It does not take away the countless hours or study and sacrifice!! You can do it.  Now is the time to take a few days to relax.  You will need a clear head to figure out your next step.

Only 5 days until scores are released.  Good Luck!!!!      

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Waiting while working: Part 2

Dealing with the possibility that you may lose your job

26 days until the scheduled day scores are released.  As the days countdown, the anxiety builds.  Can losing your job cause anxiety?  Sure, if you are weak.(In the most sarcastic voice you can imagine) There are many jobs contingent on passing the bar exam.  I find myself lucky to not have this pressure.  However, many others do.  Because I have never experienced this pressure, I really invite you to share your insight.  Release is good for the soul and it can help someone else.

I have heard a story about one recent graduate who it constantly reminded that they WILL be FIRED, if they fail.  The graduate battles with whether to aggressively perform work or to start looking elsewhere.  As stated before, I have never had this experience.  If it were me, I would immediately start looking elsewhere.  I don't like the idea of feeling expendable and I really don't like the idea of my employability being limited to one test out of 18+ years of education.  I am worth more than that.  There is a bigger blessing out there for me.  

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Working while waiting for bar results: Part I

Working while waiting for bar exam results brings its own unique set of challenges.  One dynamic is working with others who attended your law school.  Future blogs will discuss other dynamics.

These are the people who have seen you at your best and sometimes your worse.  If you were at the top of your class, they remembered.  If you barely made it out and had to attend mandatory academic success, they remembered. These people make it hard to maintain the "Poker Face."  Let's face it. Anyone who has survived 3 years of law school, 3 months of bar review class, and sat in a room of over 1000 test takers has an emotional stake in this exam, unless your just plain CRAZY! It not a lack of weakness to lose the poker face.

You should expect a lot of chatter about the exam and it's difficulty.  People will feel comfortable talking about it because they figure you understand cause you went to the same school, had the same classes, and you are a familiar face.  If you are like me, this is not the most comfortable conversation. So, how do you avoid it?  Answer: You can't. 

The best defense is a good offense.  Since you know, the conversation is coming get prepared.  Everyone prepares a little different.  I try to listen, then go about my business.  This may not work for you.  For you, the utterance of the words "BAR EXAM"  is too much to hear.  In that case, there is always the I have to go take care of ......(you fill in the blank)

I hope this helps.   Next up: Dealing with the possibility of loosing you job.

Until then, the wait continues......

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What is the waiting game?

Each year thousands of students graduate from each of Virginia's law schools with hopes of passing the dreaded bar exam.  No matter what school you attend or what job awaits, we all face THE WAITING GAME.  That is the time between the bar exam and the results.

Most of us will think this is the easy part. Well I have news for you: IT'S NOT!  If you have a job, failure may cause you to lose it.  If you don't have a job, failure limits your search. If you have the privilege of taking the exam in the Commonwealth, your success is posted on the bar exam website. (It your name is not posted you failed!)

This is a lot to process.  The purpose of this blog is to give you a heads up on what to expect.  It comes from a second time test taker. (Yes! I failed.) I survived the public humilitation of failing.  I hope it doesn't happen to you, but it does not hurt to prepare.  My process for dealing with the countdown and aftermath doesn't help for everyone, but I hope it helps you to create your own.  

33 days to the results are released!